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Pelvic Yoga Course for all women

To release, relax, lengthen and tone the pelvic floor, hips & psoas





Every female pelvis is unique and carries her own story, its known to be a favorite part of our body to use as a ‘storage place’. In other words, when we feel triggered, threatened, unsafe, go through a traumatic experience or a highly stressed situation, the pelvis is one of the first parts of our body to contract. Being in this highly uncertain and unsafe time in the world, its more important then ever to give extra attention to our pelvis and all that we hold there.


We actually have muscles there that can contract involuntarily as well as voluntarily, consciously as well as unconsciously. Since it’s such a vulnerable part of our body we don’t necessarily dare to really feel what’s there and allow that to be released.


This is why many of us often have a too tensed pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is then considered weak, even though there is so much muscle tone, and can cause pelvic pain and problems. Pelvic problems like pain, constipation, prolapse, bladder can also come from a pelvis that is too tensed, instead of what is usually being considered too loose. Its known that many yogini’s actually have a tight pelvic floor, because a lot of yoga postures are actually tightening and shortening the pelvic floor muscles. Breathing deeply and freely is also harder with more tension in the pelvic floor and psoas.


It is key to first start with relaxation and releasing the tension in the pelvis, even if it’s just on one spot or on one side. Part of an imbalance in your pelvic, gluteal and psoas muscles, is usually also due to postural habits; when one part of your pelvis is weak, another part will do all or too much of the work.


To find out what you need, your pelvis needs to first consciously learn to relax so that we can actually start to tone the muscles correctly. Feel more and become familiar with the more subtle sensations, increasing the blood flow, directing your loving care and attention to your pelvic bowl.


After giving birth we usually think about only strengthening and engaging again, but a huge part is also giving relaxation and length to the more tighter parts, and bringing balance by discovering which muscles need more strength. In this way the pelvis comes back to balance and all parts work synergistically with each other, engaging when they have to and relaxing when they can. Sometimes after giving birth the pelvic floor holds on to a traumatic experience, this can also create tightness. 


You will notice what works for you and integrate it into your own daily practice. You will become more aware of the way you sit, stand and move in your daily life in a way that is more nurturing for your pelvis.  You will be able to consciously relax your pelvic floor and contract when you need it to.

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For who:

  • For all women! Pregnant, or not!

  • Very beneficial if you have for example pelvic or lower back or sacral pain, tight hips, a painful psoas, pain in your legs/gluteus, vaginal pain, bladder problems or feel that your pelvis could use some more release

  • Also if you are preparing your body for conception!

  • After giving birth and you are able to practice again, there will be no strong postures, mostly in the beginning to relax and let go, slowly building up to becoming more aware of how we can tone the muscles. Usually its 6 weeks after birth if vaginal birth, 10 weeks if c-section. But of course, talk to your doctor to be sure.

  • If you are pregnant, it's of course super relevant to gain more understanding about your pelvis, your breath, your posture. But, there will be some postures that might not be suitable anymore when you are further in your pregnancy, like being on your back for a while, or the part that is more about toning the pelvic muscles. If you feel the call to join, since the classes will be recorded you could revisit them at a later stage.



During the classes we will focus on:

  • Creating pelvic awareness

  • Understanding the anatomy of the female pelvis

  • Discovering and identifying where you are holding tension

  • If both sides of your pelvis, hips, psoas are equal or different

  • Pelvic external and internal self-massage (written guidance for internal in your own time and space)

  • Breathing more fully and deeply; The role of the breath to improve pelvic health

  • Postures to lengthen the pelvic floor, psoas, creating more space in hips

  • Consciously relaxing the different layers of the pelvic floor and the psoas

  • Optimizing your posture to improve pelvic health

  • Building neuro-pathways from your brain to your pelvic floor, new lines of communication.

  • Find out which muscles are weak and how you can softly strengthen them, including the pelvic, gluteal, psoas and core muscles.


All classes are guided as in a normal yoga class, with more explanation where needed and always adjusting so we give the optimal attention to our pelvis in each and every pose. We give extra attention to our more tighter side, which is usually the case for many women (an imbalance at the right or left side of our pelvis)


  1. Discovery and awareness exercises - where are you tensed or tight

  2. Yin and restorative postures that relax and/or lengthen the pelvic floor

  3. Deep hamstring releasers for a more neutral pelvis

  4. Deep psoas and hip release - more space to breath deeply

  5. Strengthening and toning - balance and symmetry in pelvis and surrounding muscles


The classes are leading up to one another. The first class we will talk about some basic knowledge about the pelvis, common problems, breathing and posture. And discovering with subtle awareness exercises our own pelvic imbalances. After you have discovered if there is tension in your pelvis, you will learn how to release it in the following classes. In your own practice you can repeat the postures that felt good to you or in which you felt a release happening more often. From a relaxed state, we will slowly build up towards strengthening, after much of the release has happened. First, the muscles need to be relaxed, because you can't strengthen a tight muscle more.





  • The price for 5 classes in total, is € 95,-. incl. VAT

  • Included in the price:

  • 5 live sessions via Zoom  1,5 hour each

  • Access to class recordings for a period of 12 months

  • A handout with more information about the pelvis to deepen your knowledge and to understand better what you are sensing and experiencing, as well as a guidance to give yourself an internal self massage.

  • Possibility to always reach out with any questions during and after attending the course to Lisanne and Mamamoon team



The 5 online weekly classes of 1,5 hour are happening live starting Saturday January 22nd, 2022 at 11.30AM (Amsterdam Time zone). If you can’t be there live, you will also receive the recordings through email. 


Exact dates:

Saturday, February 5th, 11.30AM - 1.00PM CET

Saturday, February 12th, 11.30AM - 1.00PM CET

Saturday, February 19th, 11.30AM - 1.00PM CET

Saturday, February 26th, 11.30AM - 1.00PM CET

Saturday, March 5th, 11.30AM - 1.00PM CET


What you will need:

We use lots and lots of support in the practices, things you will probably have in your house like blankets, pillows from the sofa, a chair. But I recommend to have or invest in 2 yoga blocks and 1 long strap of 2,5m. If you don’t have it and don’t want to buy it, there is many ways to improvise like 1 or 2 thick books instead of blocks, a belt or shawl.


"For years I’ve been trying to address my pelvic issues after the difficult birth of my son. I always seemed to overdo or underdo it, leaving me uncomfortable or in pain for years. Physio therapy, chiropractic care, osteopath, nothing really helped me. 


After the first session with Lisanne I already learned so much about my pelvic floor and how to address my challenges. 


The whole class was amazing and just what I needed. Lisanne is so empathetic and warm and a great teacher. She helped resolve tightness and flexibility in ways I didn’t believe were possible anymore. 


I couldn’t recommend her more, she has been a pivotal part of my healing. 


Thanks so much Lisanne and Mamamoon for offering this class. I wish every post partum mom access to your class. 


Warm wishes,



Inge joined Lisanne's pelvic yoga course Sep/Oct 2021


"Lisanne has delved deep into the topic of pelvic floor as her own personal journey and this can be felt in every class. It is a nourishing experience with your own body, even if you think you have no issues connected to the pelvic floor. but at least for me I discovered many connections to pain and problems I have had for decades. and i had no clue they were connected to the pelvic floor. so it is very easy to say this course changed my body for the better and opened my eyes on how to see and treat my body in the future."




“Last year I had some serious issues with my lower back, strictly speaking of an herniated vertebral disc on the right side. I have had lower back pain for years and didn’t know what to do about it. By joining your lessons I gained a lot more awareness of my pelvic floor as an important part of my body system. I noticed that I am a lot more tensed on the right side. That is the side which was affected by the herniated disc too! I was never able to breath freely into my lower body and now I feel a lot more relaxed there, which also gives me a feeling of relief in my pelvis and lower back. I feel more grounded since then and more connected to my body. 


believe that keeping this connection to my pelvic floor and treating it with the poses from your class on a weekly basis will be an important part of my recovery process and I would love to be part of more classes.” 


X Maya

Orange Blossom


Lisanne is a yoga teacher and massage therapist living in Ericeira, Portugal. She used to have a busy city life in Amsterdam, until due to a burn out she was forced to live her life differently. Dedicated to feel at home in her self again, she took off on an inner journey, travelled around and followed all her passions.


She teaches yoga in a very slow restorative way and held in a soft loving embrace. Her own struggles and problems have always guided her into giving more attention to her root, learning more about it and freeing her root from tension and stagnation.


After many courses in Prenatal, Postnatal and Pelvic yoga, she shares this now through teaching yoga fully focused on the pelvic floor, psoas & hips. 


Read more about Lisanne and her classes at the Mamamoon School also here.

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