Carlijn is a whole food plant based nutrition specialist and chef as well.
Her positive energy, passion for macrobiotic eating and mission to share her knowledge about creating lasting health plus enjoy the benefits of this lifestyle made it a no-brainer that we want to bring her more to our Mamamoon students!
It’s not always easy to start eating healthy. What does healthy eating actually mean?
Fats, good or bad? Carbs, yes please or no thanks? How do I prepare a satisfying balanced meal for me and my family?
How can I support myself with food during pregnancy and as postpartum recovery?
It’s all about creating new habits and meals. This is why it’s essential to learn the basics and start cooking dense nutritious meals.
Carlijn shares her knowledge via her Whole Food Nutrition online course. You will meet her at the Mamamoon School and during our special weekend retreats in Zeeland.
Follow her simple but powerful practices that can greatly improve your health!
Here is where you can read more about Carlijn's work.
Carlijn's classes at Mamamoon School

Breastfeeding can be tough and unpleasant until you figure it all out. It takes lots of energy physically and sometimes mentally. Plus you might be stressing out about your milk supply?! There are, however, some good products you can eat to boost your milk supply and Carlijn will tell you about it!

What should I eat during the first days / weeks after having a baby?
Carlijn will share tips and inspiration for healthy and tasty meals that helps recovery.

Tips to make life easier with your new baby is planning your meals ahead!
Carlijn gives practical tips when it comes to planning, stock products and nutritious combinations.